Bone Cements



G21 bone cements are intended to stabilize and reinforce vertebral body in percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty procedures when treating painful pathologic compression fractures of vertebral body which do not respond to antalgic therapy.
This may be caused by:

  • Primary and secondary osteoporosis;
  • Osteolysis coming from tumors in the vertebral body (metastatic carcinomas or myelomas);
  • Osteolysis coming from symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas.

G21 bone cements are dedicated radiopaque bone cements, specifically formulated to perform percutaneous vertebral augmentation procedures, such as vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty.
G21 bone cements for vertebral consolidation are made up of two-components (powder and liquid) to be mixed at the time of application in the operating room.
G21 bone cements, are formulated to develop the right viscosity for the type of application which, once hardened, assumes a compact structure that enhances the mechanical strength of the implant.
To best suit the needs of every surgeon and patient, G21 offers a wide range of cements with diverse levels of viscosity which are also conceived to exclude the risk of leakage and possible complications.
G21 bone cements for vertebral consolidation are as follows:

  • V-FIX and V-FAST: low viscosity bone cements;
  • V-STEADY: high viscosity bone cement.


V-Steady is an high viscosity acrylic-based radiopaque bone cement which present a long working time. It is ready for use immediately after mixing and loading phase (in about two minutes) and it maintains this consistency for approximately 9 minutes of injecting time, with a total hardening of 15 minutes.

  • Prolonged maintenance of the high calibrated viscosity suitable for both kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty surgeries;
  • High concentration and homogeneous distribution of the contrast agent which allows an optimal visualization on the radioscopic monitoring devices;
  • Specifically formulated to prevent the surgeon from the risk of cement leakage out of the vertebral body. This is especially feasible because of the high viscosity immediately visible after the mixing phase;
  • The reduced waiting time and immediate high viscosity do not foreclose the use of the accessories for the mixing and application of the cement during the suction and injection phases;
  • Low polymerization temperature to reduce the risk of thermal shock on the tissues.


V-Fast and V-Fix are acrylic-based radiopaque bone cements with a low initial viscosity and a long working time. They are particularly suitable for extremely delicate procedures, where a wide time margin before polymerization is required. It’s particularly indicated, for example, when performing procedures on several vertebral levels V-FIX™ has the longest working time among the cements available in our range today. V-FAST™ has a slightly shorter waiting and working times and, compared to V-FIX™, it is indicated in such-a-case which require a reduced surgical time.
  • Prolonged maintenance of the viscosity property, developed in such a way that it remains constant during the surgical application, guaranteeing the operator the control of the cement distribution inside the vertebral body;
  • Extended usage time (V-FAST bone cement is characterized by a reduced time of polymerization compared to V-FIX bone cement);
  • High concentration and homogeneous distribution of the contrast agent which allows an optimal visualization on the radioscopic monitoring devices;
  • Low polymerisation temperature so as to reduce the risk of thermal shock on the tissues.